15 December 2016

Daily Horoscope: Lightly Lean On Others

A lot is going on in your relationships or financial life these days, dear Virgo, and you can feel overextended at times like today. You are very ambitious creatively or obsessing over your love life, projects, or relationships. However, you have greater than usual needs for safety and comfort as well, so as much as you enjoy going out on a limb and challenging yourself, you also need to take into account whether or not you feel safe and content with what you're doing. Sometimes, being able to depend on someone or something is all you feel you need. This is not the time to push or prod others, but to only gently push your own boundaries by considering the many different things you can accomplish, but holding off on doing so until the time is right.

14 December 2016

Daily Horoscope: Social Highs

The Sun and Venus in minor challenging aspect with one another this morning can point to small problems surfacing in our interactions, dear Virgo. The problems creeping up may be those that you thought were behind you but that have been operating in a hidden way. Explore your feelings now, but try not to let discrepancies or socially awkward moments impact your big decisions. As the day advances, you can find yourself in an excellent position vis a vis a work project or plan. You are confident about a direction to take or a plan coming to mind now. You are thinking in slightly bolder terms when it comes to your work, and you're feeling keen and eager when it comes to taking better care of your health. The second half of the day brings freer interactions with others and powerful energy for problem-solving in the areas of work and health.

13 December 2016

Daily Horoscope: Be Efficient

The Moon is Full today, dear Virgo, and can bring you into the spotlight or increase your visibility as it occurs at the top of your solar chart. Paying closer attention to the rules is important now, and the Full Moon's energies can be a reminder to manage your time and attention more effectively. This involves keeping your personal and professional or public lives separate and neither one left neglected or overdone. Something comes to light now, and it's likely to revolve around your career, reputation, or responsibilities. A sudden job opportunity, or some form of assistance with regards to career, home, or property matters, could be part of the picture.

12 December 2016

Daily Horoscope: New Beginnings

Now and in the coming weeks, you may see an intimate relationship move forward, dear Virgo. Alternatively, support (financial or otherwise) might come through. There is forward motion on a project or relationship now after a period of being in limbo. Today is another good time for strength in the family unit or in relationships with people who are like family to you. Exchanges in close relationships are helpful and rewarding, although there may be some disconnects and hurt feelings before you get to this state. Be willing to explore your deeper feelings now. Even so, make room for work, as you're emotionally geared to taking care of business today.

08 December 2016

Daily Horoscope: Take Care To..

With the Moon's move into your solar eighth house this morning, dear Virgo, you may be in the position to play detective. You tend to be investigating, researching, and analyzing things now, and you are drawn to activities that consume you and get you completely involved. It's a good time for making connections, however, so be sure to pull yourself away from your explorations from time to time. These connections can be made to people or information that helps you push your personal plans forward. Creatively speaking, you're in good form today, although you can give off a rather playful vibe when you're taking things more seriously than you appear. As such, playful jabs could lead to hurt feelings.